• E-Learning is KERN Lingo

    Learn languages online with KERN Lingo™

    Learn a language flexibly and independentzly with E-Learning We offer targeted, structured and effective online training.

E-Learning with the language platform of KERN AG Training

Do you want to learn a foreign language free from traditional courses and fixed deadlines, consolidate your knowledge, or simply invest more time in language training? Are you looking for user-friendly language software? We offer you a flexible option! With the KERN Lingo™ e-learning solution, you can complete exercises online at your own convenience and allocate your time yourself. With this application-specific training, we guarantee great training efficiency and lots of fun while learning.

Our versatile and comprehensive programme of language and communication training tools serves as the perfect foundation for using our independent learning platform. English-learning software is in high demand with people who have a basic knowledge of the language and want to build on their skills. Naturally, you can also intensively learn other languages like French, German, English or Italian. Your benefits at a glance:

Combinable courses with KERN Lingo™

Blended Learning combines the advantages of E-Learning with face-to-face training and facilitates both independent learning and participation in guided courses. The platform for independent language learning is essential to this and is used to monitor learning success. But the learning software can also be use in addition to the the traditional presence training or with intensive courses with one of our motivated language coaches. Whether theme specific or in general, alone or with colleagues: Application of the self learning software is versatile and flexible.

E-learning does not just offer you the advantages of being able to decide where and when you can set aside time for language exercises. but also the scope, degree of difficulty and choice of languages can be varied. Do you find business texts difficult to read? Then focus specifically on this topic and improve step by step! Our qualified language trainers are happy to support you with this and recommend appropriate content and pass on helpful tips!

Our E-Learning platform KERN Lingo is especially advantageous for companies and their employees The demand for linguistical knowledge is growing on both the private and commercial level. Here, more and more people are needing language qualifications to contact foreign business partners. Within the framework of the platform, language skills on current business topics, specialist fields such as the energy sector and banking, as well as general topics, can be expanded and individually defined so that you can optimally apply your knowledge in your profession.

Learn on the go with the KERN Lingo™ App

Would you not only like to work on your language skills on your laptop via the self-study platform, but also to learn flexibly on the move via smartphone? With the KERN Lingo™ App you also have access to exercises through your smartphone. This way you can lean your target language at any time, no matter where you are – whether it’s Englisch, French, Spanish, German or Italien.

  • Content for specialised workers and management in various industries and areas.
  • International business related content defined to individual needs and training focuses.
  • Professional business and skills workshops Business skills, news, business vocabulary, interactive dialogues
  • EuroNews/CNN videos
  • Short video clips, texts, written exercises, hearing comprehension and pronunciation
  • Mobile learning: Short training units, anywhere, everywhere

Request the free demo version.

Do want to register for KERN Lingo™ and enjoy its many benefits? We would also gladly offer your company access to the demo version of the e-learning platform. Please get in touch via the contact form below so that we can advise you.

We're happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tel.: 020 520 0740
Email: info@kerntraining.com